It is possible to Walk in Humility and Keep a Pure Heart when Trusting God When Falsely Accused. God will Protect us and Fight for us – as long as we keep our hearts unoffended.
Now you may think this is one of those “easier said that done” moments but let me just say that God does the heavy lifting when we do the submitting,
The question is, will we trust God when life feels unfair?!
Know Your Enemy.
Our enemy is not people, and yet, just as God uses people, so does the enemy of our souls.
Ephesians 6:12 tells us, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
The devil can be so deceiving that he can cause even those we love to come against us. But how we respond to offenses against our character and our name, is up to us.
Therefore, put on the FULL ARMOR OF GOD, and standfast against the schemes of the enemy!
Forgive Those Who Harm You.
Ephesians 4:32 tell us to, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
“Even as Christ has forgiven us”… wow, consider that.
I’m not sure that leaves any room for unforgiveness when we really think about how merciful God is that He would forgive us, over and over again. Likewise, may we unclench our hands and open our hearts to forgive those who have intentionally wronged us, over and over again.
Releasing unforgiveness from our hearts allows us to start the healing process and gives us the right perspective to move past the hurt others can cause.
…and then Pray for Them.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:44-45, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you … that you may be sons of your Father in heaven…”
So, even when others mean harm, do not wish bad upon them but pray for them!
Pray and ask God to have mercy on them, because if your priority has been to remain right in God’s sight, then they do not realize the evil they do against you is truly doing evil again God Himself.
Trust God to Fight for You.
Even though trusting God when falsely accused can be painful, because it hurts to be misunderstood, we can be sure that if our heart is founded on God -He will protect us on every side!
We don’t have to fight back, and we don’t have to be afraid how people perceive us. Because God is for us, and He see us living righteously. And that, He promises to honor.
Now, this only works if you are living righteously and seeking God as your first priority. Because if that is true of us, then the Holy Spirit will correct bad behavior in us as well.
The natural fleshly response to feeling rejected is to get angry, but do not get angered. Because in seasons that we have been rejected by man, it is actually an opportunity for us to show God that we trust Him. God will turn around a season of rejection and turn it in to blessing and honor.
Many seasons ago, I was living this hardship of being false accused. And one morning getting ready for work half asleep, God said to me: “What the enemy meant to be a season of rejection, will become a season of DIVINE FAVOR!!”.
I knew God shared that with me for encouragement, but also for the simple fact that I was intentionally aware to not allow my heart to become offended towards them. But to forgive them, again and again.. as many times as they crossed my mind.
And then to pray for them, because God loves them too.
God has been a shelter all around me (PSALMS 91).
Zechariah 2:5 sys, “For I,β says theΒ Lord, βwill beΒ a wall of fire all around her,Β and I will be the glory in her midst.”
Walk in Humility.
Absolutely agree that emotional intelligent people own their faults..Β So HOW MUCH MORE for the Child of God that is called to walk in humility.
No matter what the situation, I desire to honor Matthew 5:8, and allow God to honor me as I honor His Word… to keep a PURE HEART before God! All other things will work themselves out if I know that I am pure in God’s eyes. If when He looks at me, He says you have checked and double checked yourself, and I see no fault here. Now if He sees fault, I need to surrender it to God, and humble my heart before Him. So that, when we are in this situation where a finger pointed directly at us, (cuz in this broken world it’s inevitable) ..when God has called our heart clean.. it’s is the best feeling to know God approves of us in that situation! & so His promise of protection is over those whom He finds no fault in.
Psalms 91 tells us that God’s protection is the shelter of the Most High, like a pavilion over us. He covers us with His feathers, and we take refuge under His wings, as we abide within the shadow of His presence.
To be pure in heart, we have to point the finger at our own heart first.. and ask God to purify it completely. and when that has happened, our complete confidence is in what God has said about us concerning that situation!
Keep a Pure Heart Before God.
Matthew 5:8 is MIGHTY and SO POWERFUL in Godly principal!! It’s a life verse for me! I love repentance, I love God’s conviction, my heart leans in and listens closely, because Gods conviction is an invitation to come closer! and in that we can come BOLDLY To His throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. (Hebrews 4:12)
Trusting God when falsely accused
The most important thing to remember in times of unfair treatment is to always return to God’s presence so that we can keep out hearts from becoming offended, and so then, remain in the Agape Love of God.
You can pray for vindication, but truth is, what if it doesn’t come in that season…?
Will your mind change about God’s faithful character if God doesn’t clear your name after praying a prayer?
We could cry out for God to save us just as David did over and over again in the Psalms… but if it never comes in the natural, we have to know that GOD has already vindicated our name in heaven!
This is the confidence that we have in Christ: that we belong to God and He is the God who sees us!
David in the Bible ran from Saul and had a whole rollercoaster of emotions, many of which he didn’t get removed from. Rather, God walked him through it, making His presence known and giving David the strength.
So may we also pray: “even if not Lord, YOU are the shelter all around me. You have approved me and I do not need the approval of any other”. This heart posture will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus!!
And this is how we remain unoffendable! We protect our heart and our mind with God’s Word. And we choose to trust in God’s loving character.
Even compassionate towards the person but targeting the schemes of the enemy against my name. because its actually witchcraft employed even if they are unaware.
He Himself has hedged me in. All that has been said against me, God has given me such amazing peace and comfort and JOY in the midst of it!! His presence is protecting me!
SO DO NOT FALL INTO OFFENSE (which the Greek/Hebrew work for offense means A TRAP set before a person, so that they would fall… see the offense and step over it in JESUS name!)
I have also come to realize that “church hurt” actually happens when we arbor rejection from a spiritual leader who has hurt you when you were innocent. If we trip over the offense then our hearts become bitter and tainted. But God always gives warning signs of this, and it is our responsibility to lay them down at the feet of Jesus as soon as we are aware of offenses.
WE ARE GODS SHEEP, and HE is our Good Shepherd! He gets the wolf who against us, and so we don’t have to rely on our own strength to protect ourselves with fighting for control.
God sees our pure heart clearly. SO PLEASE DO NOT LET YOUR HEART TO BECOME OFFENDED .. just run to GOD!
Do you know you are innocent in God’s eyes? May God Himself APPROVE you and give you peace!
Do you know you are right in Gods sight? Let God comfort you and build you up! This may be for your good, believe it or not!
Do you feel under fire, even targeted by the enemy? The Most High, your El Shaddai is your protection. REST in His love as Psalms 91 states.. and watch Him deliver you, set you on high, and answer you, He said He would be with you in trouble, will honor you, and satisfy you with a good long life. (PSALMS 91: 14-16)
THIS IS HIS PROMISE TO YOU, you who rest in the secret place of the Most High! You who ABIDE in the shadow of the Almighty! So just know, you are not alone, friend. God is with you, even in the valley of the shadow of death. do not fear a thing! In Jesus name!
Maintain humility before men, and a PURE in heart before God.. knowing you are approved by God even if all men are against you. Just do not trip on the “TRAP” of offense! Be*aware of this scheme of the enemy..
When experiencing rejection from man, rest in the approval of God! He is the God who sees you!!
So in moments when life seems unfair, may we be found to be Trusting God when falsely accused!