It has often been said that ‘only God changes hearts”, and that is the truth. God is the one who transforms hearts from the inside out. Let’s take a deeper look into how it is that the Lord would cause us to have a transformation as we put our trust in Him.
To Be Transformed or to Remain the Same?
Christians believe the Bible is God’s Word. Everything He wanted us to know for holy living is within the pages of scripture so that we could stand in faith to believe them, pray them, speak them, and apply these truths to our daily lives.
God’s words are truth and they have the power to change things when we pray those truths in faith.
Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God’s word is alive and powerful to change us from the inside out.
“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
To me, this paints a picture that God goes in and performs heart surgery on us. When we receive God’s Word in faith, it is “living and powerful“, and it speaks truth to the very core of who we are!
That is amazing! God’s words are true even when we don’t know what truth is, and yet, God is so patient with us as we learn and grow in His truths.
I am so thankful that the Bible is available to show us our need for God’s truth to change us. I value God’s Words because they have the power to transform my heart when I allow them to change my mind.
God Changes Hearts
Romans 12: 2 tells us the renewing of our mind (in God’s Word) is what initiates a heart transformation.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service.“
Romans 12:2 NKJV
β‘ We cannot trust in our own thoughts if they don’t line up with God’s mind (scripture).
β‘ We can’t trust in the world’s ideas if they don’t agree with what God already said about it in His Word.
God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts, according to Isaiah 55:9
βFor as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:9 NKJV
While that is not hard for many to admit that God’s thoughts are higher than our own, we often struggle to put God’s truths into action.
We tend to think that we can handle situation just fine. Yet, if we did it God’s way, He had blessings and favor He wanted to pour out on our lives.
We have to be willing to admit God has a better way, but then also ask for and respond to God’s instructions and His leading. This requires Great humility on our part.
James 4:6 is a beautiful promise to those who find joy in God’s Word and are willing to respond with a humble heart.
But He gives more grace. Therefore He says:
“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
James 4:6 NKJV
We have the greatest resource on this side of heaven, to come learn from God and allow His truth to change our minds. Subsequently, when God has access to change your mind, He has access to transform our hearts.
May we be intentional and diligent to “feed” our hearts God’s truths so that we can change our minds!
Allow God’s Word to Change Your Mind
It’s incredibly enlightening to learn the definition of a word the way God intended for it to be used. For this, the STRONGS Greek/Hebrew concordance is one of my favorite Bible study tools. It allows us to see clearly God’s intention for defining a word.
Often times, I am surprised with little gems in Scripture that give a verse a whole new layer of understanding. And so it was for me when I learned God’s definition of “repentance”.
Now, before you cringe at the word “repentance”, let’s just check it out the way God defines it in the Greek & Hebrew language. If you are anything like me, you will be completely surprised by the definition. It is very likely that it means something different than what you first thought!
Repentance – STRONGS 3341 (Metanoia)
- Literally defined as a “CHANGE OF MIND”
- Godly sorrow that produces a response.
- a “turn” in direction.
- Also used to indicate a CHANGE IN THE INNER MAN.
I think we are often intimidated by the word repentance, and we unknowingly make it a harsh a heavy or harsh word that we would rather not mention. But we see how plain God made it. Simply, to realize that we need God’s Word to change our minds.
I remember when I would read the Bible I used to find myself praying, “Oh Lord, change my mind!” years before I learned what the definition of repentance was. In essence, I was repenting of my inability to think the right way without His Truths transforming my heart, and I was asking God to teach me His ways. God’s ways are always better!!
How Do We Walk Out Repentance?
To me, walking out repentance simply looks like responding to the Word of God knowing that it has the power to change our hearts as it changes our minds!
As we learn God’s truths the way He intended for us to understand them, we can change our minds, pick ourselves up, and turn to walk in God’s direction.
The imagery of repentance is to literally change directions and ”turn’ in the opposite direction. It is the picture of a person starting to walk in one direction, hearing the voice of Truth, and course correcting themselves to walk in a whole different direction.
This intentionality to honor God is something that He loves to bless in His children!
However, when we choose to not allow the scripture to change our minds, that is an indirect way of telling God we think we know better. Of course, no one who loves Jesus would ever say that to Him, But our actions say that when we choose not to respond to the truths in God’s Word.
There is a Godly sorrow that comes with true repentance. It’s when we learn the truth, and then feel sorrow for thinking that we actually knew better than God. It is in that very moment, that a heart change could happen.
As we confess that “God’s ways are higher than our ways” and that He knows better than us, then we can ask God to change our minds to believe what God says about it. When we do this with a humble heart, God delights in conforming our hearts to the image of His Son, Jesus!
How exactly God changes the human heart is a beautiful mystery and, it is truly a miracle!!
After we have made the decision to TRADE UP our opinions for God’s truths and start walking in His direction, we will start to see a lifestyle change without extra effort on our end. The love of God compels us to follow His leading.
One day we will look back and realize that God actually changed our hearts along the way.
What a testament to the faithfulness of a Good Father to perform spiritual heart surgery on us without us being aware in the moment. We will be able to have our own personal testimony, that truly, God changes hearts!
Becoming A Living Testimony of a Heart That Has Been Transformed by God!
There’s no testimony greater than a heart that has been transformed from a stoney, cold and hardened heart into a heart that is moldable in the hands of the Potter. He is creating beautiful things IN us, as we open our heart and minds to receive the knowledge of His Truths.
God Changes Hearts when we are humble enough to:
- Admit that we do not have all the answers.
- Recognize the life-giving properties of the Word of God, and willingly surrender our lesser perspectives.
- Put our confidence in what God said, rather than what we think.
- Pray and ask God to change our minds so that His truth would become our convictions, so that He could have His way in our lives.
I imagine God with His arms hand extended in invitation, saying, “My way is better, do you trust Me?”
May we say ‘Yes’ to the Holy Spirits leading us into all truth! To change our minds and hearts.
PRAY TODAY: Oh God, that we would CHANGE OUR MINDS at the reading of Your Word.. so that You could transform our hearts!! Teach us how to present our bodies as living breathing sacrifices, putting our own will and emotions, desires and ambitions up on the alter to be purified and set apart… made into holy and acceptable, usable and available sacrifices for Your glory. For Your Kingdom to be seen in this earth. In Jesus name, amen!
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Abiding in the love of Jesus and allowing His light to shine through you!